Excel in Retirement
Excel in Retirement
Couldn't See This Correction Coming? What Do You Mean? Ep. 106
It was recently revealed that the stock market had its worst first half of the year since 1970 and several analysts are indicating the market still has further to drop. The article linked here states equities “Face a triple whammy of sticky inflation, recession risks, and the threat to corporate profits sinking consumer confidence.”
We don’t have to believe the adage that nobody could have seen this problem coming.
Congressman Thomas Massise astutely warned in March of 2020 that “The popular bill to spend $2 trillion dollars and shut down our economy was ‘the biggest mistake in history.’ That bill and subsequent bills that spent another $4 trillion are the reasons we now have shortages and inflation.”
This should be common sense for the Federal Reserve, but Janet Yellen, a former Fed chair, stated she was wrong and didn’t see this coming.
When the government pulls back its money printing and raises rates it becomes easy to anticipate what will happen. The most recent example to point to is in 2018 the government raised rates, and the market went down over six percent.
In our July 2021 podcast, I warned of the coming inflationary problem we are experiencing and fortunately were able to help many prepare for what is transpiring this year.
The worst thing we can do when faced with uncertainty is to do nothing. We don’t want to be the deer caught in the oncoming car’s headlights. Like the deer, we need to move and we need to do it quickly.
When we hear people stating they did not see what is happening coming, I recommend being done with their advice like Amelia was done with Burglar Bill!
Are you positioned the best you can be if things get more dicey in the economy? Let’s find out. Call our office at 864.641.7955 to schedule an appointment.
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